maanantai 12. toukokuuta 2014

Once Upon A Time - ELSA!

I can't breath, I can't breath!!
Wait - What about Anna??!

Anyway, I'm gonna die, I'm so Happy right now!

When I saw This:

And this:

I was like:

I only hope that Anna will be there too...
And I haven't saw season 3... Need to watch!

maanantai 5. toukokuuta 2014

Fan Art? No, it's fucking ART!

I think fan art is more than just.. Fan Art:D

And if you're think:
What I mean?
Well, I'll show you!

Enjoy all of awesome pics!


 By: B4 (Tumblr)


By: shadowpiratemonkey7 (DA)

See what I mean?
I love all those scrapers.
They draw world awesomest pics ever.

And I want Thank All of them,
because they give me a permission to put those pictures here,
AND they draw those pictures :3 

Thank - you - so -much!

Another Random Fandom + Early Elsa

It's me..again XD
Anyway, today I make Another Random Fandom blogging,
That's mean moving pics, pics and more pics :D 

THIS is true Love..Right?

 O.M.F.G! 0.0

 Girl with awesome-cute-black hair, is Early Elsa. She's so cute x3

 The Super Six

I like Ariel, she's awesome too...

 Oh Anna xD

Fan Art about story called; r9k elsa is suffering
(I'm not sure! My friend read it so that why i put this pic)

And more Fan art about Early Elsa!

Okay, Here's Anna, Elsa, Early Elsa and (almost) Frozen Anna (White!Anna)

 Oh, And Happy Easter!

Run Hiccup! RUuUN!

maanantai 7. huhtikuuta 2014


Today, I'm gonna tell you about parents,
and with that,
Disney will help me.

There are many kind of parents:

Single-parent fathers
single mothers
adoptive parents
And so on.
But in all Parents has the same characteristics:

They can be overprotective...

...They are ready to die because of us...

...They don't give up on us...
 ...They believe on us...

 ...No matter, are they here with us.


So do me a favour;
Go and Hug your
mom, dad or your supporter,
and say: ''I love you.''