maanantai 12. toukokuuta 2014

Once Upon A Time - ELSA!

I can't breath, I can't breath!!
Wait - What about Anna??!

Anyway, I'm gonna die, I'm so Happy right now!

When I saw This:

And this:

I was like:

I only hope that Anna will be there too...
And I haven't saw season 3... Need to watch!

maanantai 5. toukokuuta 2014

Fan Art? No, it's fucking ART!

I think fan art is more than just.. Fan Art:D

And if you're think:
What I mean?
Well, I'll show you!

Enjoy all of awesome pics!


 By: B4 (Tumblr)


By: shadowpiratemonkey7 (DA)

See what I mean?
I love all those scrapers.
They draw world awesomest pics ever.

And I want Thank All of them,
because they give me a permission to put those pictures here,
AND they draw those pictures :3 

Thank - you - so -much!

Another Random Fandom + Early Elsa

It's me..again XD
Anyway, today I make Another Random Fandom blogging,
That's mean moving pics, pics and more pics :D 

THIS is true Love..Right?

 O.M.F.G! 0.0

 Girl with awesome-cute-black hair, is Early Elsa. She's so cute x3

 The Super Six

I like Ariel, she's awesome too...

 Oh Anna xD

Fan Art about story called; r9k elsa is suffering
(I'm not sure! My friend read it so that why i put this pic)

And more Fan art about Early Elsa!

Okay, Here's Anna, Elsa, Early Elsa and (almost) Frozen Anna (White!Anna)

 Oh, And Happy Easter!

Run Hiccup! RUuUN!